COVID-19 exposes why the ambitious goal to end extreme poverty is inadequate - @EfosaOjomo
COVID-19 exposes why the ambitious goal to end extreme poverty is inadequate - @EfosaOjomo
Agwu The Arushi of Wisdom - Igbo Mythology (afa, medicine, universal mind, madness) via @ShellMedicine
Orunmila and Socrates: What do they have in common? - 'Oro Isiti' with Sophie Oluwole
The Origins of iron metallurgy in Africa: new light on its antiquity; West and Central Africa - @UNESCO
Importance of the Mother Tongue - 'Oro Isiti' with Sophie Oluwole
How Africa could one day rival China - @TheEconomist
Africa's Economic Systems Over Time by Vivian Birchall @viviankbirchall cc @IndigenizAfrica @ayittey
Business Models Worthy of Study - How illiterate boys from Rwathia village built Business Empire worth billions in Kenya
Business Models Worthy of Study - How illiterate boys from Rwathia village built Business Empire worth billions in Kenya
East-West paths to Unconventional Computing
East-West paths to Unconventional Computing
Building Institutions | No-frills education – Trust, slavery and the African School of Economics
Building Institutions | No-frills education – Trust, slavery and the African School of Economics
World Heritage, tourism and sustainable development in Africa: discourses, approaches and challenges
World Heritage, tourism and sustainable development in Africa: discourses, approaches and challenges
Building Institutions...Artist Amadou Sanogo plans Bamako arts centre to mentor young talent - Expected to open in 2022, Makoro will house studios for Malian artists under 30, workshops for school children and exhibitions
Building Institutions...Artist Amadou Sanogo plans Bamako arts centre to mentor young talent - Expected to open in 2022, Makoro will house studios for Malian artists under 30, workshops for school children and exhibitions
A conversation with Andrew Alli @afalli of the Southbridge Group @SouthBGroup via @ArbiterzNigeria
A conversation with Andrew Alli @afalli of the Southbridge Group @SouthBGroup via @ArbiterzNigeria
Formalizing artisanal logging in Central Africa - @CIFOR
Formalizing artisanal logging in Central Africa - @CIFOR
Taobao Villages Driving ‘Inclusive Growth’ in Rural China
Taobao Villages Driving ‘Inclusive Growth’ in Rural China
Organizing for Change: Workers in the Informal Economy
Stanford researchers harness satellite imagery and AI to help fight poverty in Africa
Stanford researchers harness satellite imagery and AI to help fight poverty in Africa
From Mbari to Igwe bu Ike: Communality & Igbo Art by Iheanyi Onwuegbucha @EhanyiO Tribute to Bisi Silva via @IgboConference
How To Synchronize Activism In Virtual Space And Real Space a conversation with Innocent Chukwuma @chukwumacleen
Political Organization in Nigeria since the Late Stone Age | A History of the Igbo People by John N. Oriji
Exploring Nigerian Folktales, Food Myths & Taboos- by Ozoz Sokoh @Kitchnbutterfly
Exploring Nigerian Folktales, Food Myths & Taboos- by Ozoz Sokoh @Kitchnbutterfly
Africa’s four MEGA TRENDS that are overcoming COVID19 - Eric Osiakwan
Africa’s four MEGA TRENDS that are overcoming COVID19 - Eric Osiakwan
Ancient African Metallurgy: The Sociocultural Context from the African Archaeology Series
Why is Entrepreneurial Leadership key to Africa's Development? via ALU Podcast @Alueducation
Why is Entrepreneurial Leadership key to Africa's Development? via ALU Podcast @Alueducation
Leadership for Africa’s Development: Revisiting Indigenous African Leadership and Setting the Agenda for Political Leadership by Vusi Gumede @ProfVusiGumede
Leadership for Africa’s Development: Revisiting Indigenous African Leadership and Setting the Agenda for Political Leadership by Vusi Gumede @ProfVusiGumede
Archaeology shows how ancient African societies managed pandemics
Archaeology shows how ancient African societies managed pandemics
Why Ghana's smallholders aren't excited by the latest 'Green Revolution'
Why Ghana's smallholders aren't excited by the latest 'Green Revolution'
Igbo Spirituality in Contemporary Nigeria | Emeka Ed Keazor in conversation with Nnaedozie Umeh
The Astonishing Richness of Igbo Art: Beauties, Beasts, and Others - Yale University Art Gallery
Newly Launched - The Nigerian University of Technology and Management (NUTM) - @nutmng
Newly Launched - The Nigerian University of Technology and Management (NUTM) - @nutmng
Can Africa position itself as a manufacturing hub in the 2020s? from Newthink
Can Africa position itself as a manufacturing hub in the 2020s? from Newthink
How 'Sustainable' Development Ravaged the Congo Basin - Jerome Lewis
How 'Sustainable' Development Ravaged the Congo Basin - Jerome Lewis
Kenyan "researchers have identified a microbe in malaria mosquitoes that is capable of blocking transmission of the disease from the insects to people""
Kenyan "researchers have identified a microbe in malaria mosquitoes that is capable of blocking transmission of the disease from the insects to people""
Build diverse food systems for post-COVID-19 world via @SciDevNet
Build diverse food systems for post-COVID-19 world via @SciDevNet
Decolonizing Science: — A Conversation with Priyanka deSouza @PDez90 and Jia-Hui Lee @zooanthrosmia via @MITCoLab
Decolonizing Science: — A Conversation with Priyanka deSouza @PDez90 and Jia-Hui Lee @zooanthrosmia via @MITCoLab
Indigenous knowledge in accelerating African Scientific Revolution
Indigenous knowledge in accelerating African Scientific Revolution
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